Received a letter from the Montana Department of Revenue about your 2022 tax rebate? You’ll need a geocode for your property.
Here’s how you can find it:
Visit the Montana Cadastral Database: I suggest using a computer; the site isn’t phone or tablet-friendly.
Search by Owner Name:
Click the search tab on the site’s left side.

It defaults to “By Owner”. Choose Teton County (or your respective county) from the dropdown.
Input your last name. Keep it basic; the search engine is quite specific. For instance, “Dogiakos” works, but “Steve Dogiakos” or “Steven Dogiakos” doesn’t due to naming conventions in the system.

Scan the results for your name. If there are multiple listings, select each to check the Property Address that corresponds to your home.
Your required Geocode is under ‘Primary Information’ in the left column, on the second line.

Alternative – Search by Address:
Type your Street Address, followed by a comma, then EITHER your city OR Zip Code (with no spaces around the comma). E.g., “100 1st St NW,59422” or “100 1st St NW,Choteau”.

I hope this streamlines your rebate process!