Peter, Sandra, and Steve Dogiakos at the 2023 3 Rivers Annual MEeting

Unlocking the Potential of Rural Communities: The Power of Community, High-Speed Internet, and AI

Rural communities across the country are facing new challenges and opportunities as we move deeper into the 21st century. From economic development to community building, there are countless ways in which we can work together to build stronger, more vibrant communities that can thrive for generations to come. In this speech, Steve Dogiakos, a community leader and entrepreneur, explores the power of community, the importance of high-speed internet, and the potential for AI to transform rural communities like ours. Through his own experiences in Choteau, Montana, Steve demonstrates the incredible potential of rural communities when we come together to support one another, invest in our infrastructure, and embrace new technologies. Join us as we explore the possibilities for unlocking the full potential of rural communities, and discover how we can build a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.